I hate the Waukesha Freeman. It declares itself "First place winner for general excellence in the Wisconsin Newspaper Association's 2007 Better Newspaper Contest" Here's it's website.
If you ever have the misfortune of reading it, you will probably want to kill yourself. Especially if you read the "sound off" columns. Giving people complete anonymity to say whatever really isn't a good idea, but it really shows that people will talk about stuff they know nothing about. Since the Summer there has been four recurring topics, which are train whistles, baseball in Frame park, leaf pickup, and Larry Nelson's wardrobe. My favorite is baseball in Frame park. People complain about everything, and it's so obvious how uneducated they are on the topic, and in general. They make all these claims about how the Mayor is ramrodding this down our throats, and that it will destroy the park, but these people are retarded. First of all, these people claim that there will be a stadium, which is untrue, and they also claim that there are all these illegalities, but lawyers have looked at everything, and what a surprise, it's legal. Then people complain about the aldermen for supporting this, because the reason they gave was, most of the people wanted it. The people who keep complaining are in the minority and just won't shut up. The only aldermen I have any problem with is Vitale, because he wants to put everything to a referendum instead of making a decision, and Cummings because she is just so infuriatingly stupid, it isn't even funny. The Freeman is extremely biased on this issue as well. When Steve Edlund was contesting the legality of the proposal it was front page news, when it was declared 100% legal, it was page three as a small column. The information that the Freeman has released is often not fully accurate. The reason they gave for the one year postponement is just the economy. The real reason is because it took so long to get the proposal through because of all the crap Chad Bauer had to deal with made it so by the time it was completely finalised there was no guarantee that construction would be able to be completed in time, in addition to the economy. But the Freeman will continue to fight, and so will the people who don't want any baseball in Frame Park, whose fears are completely unfounded.
If you ever have the misfortune of reading it, you will probably want to kill yourself. Especially if you read the "sound off" columns. Giving people complete anonymity to say whatever really isn't a good idea, but it really shows that people will talk about stuff they know nothing about. Since the Summer there has been four recurring topics, which are train whistles, baseball in Frame park, leaf pickup, and Larry Nelson's wardrobe. My favorite is baseball in Frame park. People complain about everything, and it's so obvious how uneducated they are on the topic, and in general. They make all these claims about how the Mayor is ramrodding this down our throats, and that it will destroy the park, but these people are retarded. First of all, these people claim that there will be a stadium, which is untrue, and they also claim that there are all these illegalities, but lawyers have looked at everything, and what a surprise, it's legal. Then people complain about the aldermen for supporting this, because the reason they gave was, most of the people wanted it. The people who keep complaining are in the minority and just won't shut up. The only aldermen I have any problem with is Vitale, because he wants to put everything to a referendum instead of making a decision, and Cummings because she is just so infuriatingly stupid, it isn't even funny. The Freeman is extremely biased on this issue as well. When Steve Edlund was contesting the legality of the proposal it was front page news, when it was declared 100% legal, it was page three as a small column. The information that the Freeman has released is often not fully accurate. The reason they gave for the one year postponement is just the economy. The real reason is because it took so long to get the proposal through because of all the crap Chad Bauer had to deal with made it so by the time it was completely finalised there was no guarantee that construction would be able to be completed in time, in addition to the economy. But the Freeman will continue to fight, and so will the people who don't want any baseball in Frame Park, whose fears are completely unfounded.
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