10 February, 2009

Local Politics/News

I hate the Waukesha Freeman. It declares itself "First place winner for general excellence in the Wisconsin Newspaper Association's 2007 Better Newspaper Contest" Here's it's website.
If you ever have the misfortune of reading it, you will probably want to kill yourself. Especially if you read the "sound off" columns. Giving people complete anonymity to say whatever really isn't a good idea, but it really shows that people will talk about stuff they know nothing about. Since the Summer there has been four recurring topics, which are train whistles, baseball in Frame park, leaf pickup, and Larry Nelson's wardrobe. My favorite is baseball in Frame park. People complain about everything, and it's so obvious how uneducated they are on the topic, and in general. They make all these claims about how the Mayor is ramrodding this down our throats, and that it will destroy the park, but these people are retarded. First of all, these people claim that there will be a stadium, which is untrue, and they also claim that there are all these illegalities, but lawyers have looked at everything, and what a surprise, it's legal. Then people complain about the aldermen for supporting this, because the reason they gave was, most of the people wanted it. The people who keep complaining are in the minority and just won't shut up. The only aldermen I have any problem with is Vitale, because he wants to put everything to a referendum instead of making a decision, and Cummings because she is just so infuriatingly stupid, it isn't even funny. The Freeman is extremely biased on this issue as well. When Steve Edlund was contesting the legality of the proposal it was front page news, when it was declared 100% legal, it was page three as a small column. The information that the Freeman has released is often not fully accurate. The reason they gave for the one year postponement is just the economy. The real reason is because it took so long to get the proposal through because of all the crap Chad Bauer had to deal with made it so by the time it was completely finalised there was no guarantee that construction would be able to be completed in time, in addition to the economy. But the Freeman will continue to fight, and so will the people who don't want any baseball in Frame Park, whose fears are completely unfounded.

09 February, 2009

Obama's first prime-time news conference


I'm so proud of him. He fielded so many tough questions, ranging from "do any middle eastern countries have WMD's" to the ever important "how does A-Rod admitting to using steroids make you feel." Is it just me or is the media brain dead. If a country achieved nuclear proliferation, especially in the middle east, the would, I don't know, be proud of it, and well declare it. Seriously. Is there any requirement to be part of the media. How is A-Rod relevant to anything. Obama has more important things to worry about. People expect that since Obama has been elected that world should now be some amazing place. Well the air isn't fresher, and the sky isn't any bluer. This change that we were suppose to believe in was more like lets take everything and move it to inches to the left. Sure things might be slightly more liberal, but we need a radical in charge in order to get any noticeable movement. That is why I hope in 2012, instead of helping Nader again, Jello Biafra runs for president again. He ran for the Green party nomination in 2000, but lost to Nader, and has helped Nader in the past 2 elections. Here is some of what he stands for, it's outdated, but should still show some of what he thinks.
Now I realize that most of this would never happen, but having him as president would be really entertaining, and we might actually get some change. I'm really pulling for that maximum wage personally. And the none of the above option in elections seems like a really good idea, a lot better than the current choice of right or slightly less right that we call a democracy. Seriously, put a radical in, and see Democrats and Republican finally agree on something, hating the president. But seriously, a lot of his ideas make sense, and I hope he does run and gets some support.

06 February, 2009

Yay!!! Guantanamo


President Obama is so worried that the prisoners at Guantanamo aren't getting trials. First of all he isn't wrong, most of these people should have had trials by now, but because we decided that they didn't need them under Bush we have to play catch up. But Obama is worried for the wrong reasons. He's worried because he wants to close Guantanamo, which is quite frankly retarded, for lack of a better word. Sure give them a trial and see if they are guilty, but keep the facility, the prison isn't committing war crimes, we are. So don't close it and beg other countries to take in the criminals, leave it open and make it legal. It shouldn't be that hard of a concept, just because you are in Guantanamo doesn't mean you have to torture, just like you don't have to speak English if you live in the United States of America (at least not until the bigots complain enough and we get an official language.) So basically give the prisoners their trials but don't close it. And if we do I propose copying Russia and constructing a prison in northern Alaska, they can use the money the Fed gave them for the bridge to nowhere and we can call it our Gulag, and if anyone questions it, we'll kill them just like Russia. I love how whenever I hate our government I can just look and see how messed up everyone else is, but they can get away with it. Which is why there is no government like no government.

03 February, 2009

New Attorney General


Eric Holder was sworn in as attorney general today, and evidently the most important thing isn't his policies or viewpoints, it's the fact that he is the first African-American to hold this title. I'm all for equality, but just like when Obama was elected, wouldn't it be nice if it wasn't such a big deal. Just judge them based on their intellect, not make a huge deal because they aren't white. Seriously, who cares if we "elected" (sorry, I hate the electoral college) an African-American. It really doesn't matter, if he does something stupid I'll criticize him for it just like I have every other president. But I guess we'll see how long they keep saying first African-American whatever. If the media can finally get over that maybe so will the populous. But I guess I should stop dreaming.