30 January, 2009

Political Parties Suck

I guess since for some reason this was blocked at school I should just be angry at the government, so I will.

All Republicans voted against the bailout. This blind following of party politics is crap. No one can tell me that there wasn't one republican that thought this was a good idea, or at least better than nothing. We vote for these people and they can't even think for themselves, it's pathetic. I acknowledge that we need a government because people are simply too stupid for anarchy to truly work, but this is a joke. In this supposed land of the free the only time you have a voice is if you are a Republican or Democrat. Life isn't black and white, and neither should politics.

29 January, 2009


This is just a disclaimer for the content of this blog. As this is just an assignment my views may be intentionally extreme just to make it mildly entertaining; therefore this does not necessarily represent my actual opinions on any matters that I may comment on. And this post doesn't count.